Costa Rica El Apostol

Costa Rica El Apostol


Don Sabino Micromill is a father-son project that produces meticulous coffees in what seems like "simple" conditions, but with incredible care and attention to detail.

Don Esteven Vargas started the Don Sabino Micromill over five years ago with his father Hiver Vargas, who has worked in coffee his entire life. They own several plots of farmland in the area, where they grow a number of different varieties: Villa Sarchi is their primary crop, but they also grow, Catuai, Caturra, Gesha, SL-28, and a small amount of Mokka.

This micromill is at an interesting place, in Esteven's backyard! Stephen's family and his parents literally live right next to the mill, ensuring that meticulous processing is done to all the coffees flowing through here. Esteven's farms all deliver cherry to this backyard micromill operation where the coffee is milled and dried. Coffee is their life, it is their passion.

The volcanic soil, altitude, and variety selection on Esteven's farm make his coffee exceptional.


Raspberry, Nougat, White Grape


Sabanilla de Alajuela, Central Valley

Finca El Apostol


Caturra, Catuai


1300-1600 meters


Natural Processed

All coffees are roasted to order and shipped on Tuesday. Free shipping on orders $35 and up!

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